Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Healing Yoga

A few months back, I bought the book “Healing Yoga" by Stella Weller from Reader’s Digest which gives a practical approach to healing common ailments with yoga.

The book starts with an introduction to yoga and the system of hatha yoga which may be divided into five parts: asanas, pranayama, meditative practices, relaxation practices and cleansing practices.

The main part of the book is Part 2 which is the Healing Power of Yoga which is divided into sections that cover many common ailments and health problems. For each section, there are a number of recommended exercises to help bring relief and promote healing for those particular problems. There is a brief overview of each disorder including its known or probable causes and its chief signs and symptoms.

The book is a good reference as it illustrates how to do a pose and its benefits and includes details of four purification practices – Eye Splashing, Tongue Cleansing, Nasal Wash and Candle Concentration (I will be posting these practices in my blog in future) which are useful in enhancing excretory functions, help to strengthen tissues and prevent infection.

"To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear" - Buddha

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