Monday, October 13, 2008

Sore Throat Remedy

The next time you have a sore throat, try this remedy. A concoction of the Chinese herb “Kam Cho” and dried salted lime (ham kat). Put about 2-3 pieces of the “Kam Cho” and 1 dried salted lime in a cup of hot water. Let it brew for about half an hour or more and you can drink it. Pour hot water in the mixture again and let it brew again for a second round.

“Kam Cho” is not an expensive herb but it is very effective in curing sore throats. You can buy it at any Chinese medicinal shop, just buy 100 gm and you can make about 5-6 cups. The dried salted lime can also be bought at some of the Chinese medicinal shop.

The concoction helps to soothe the throat, reduce coughing and also cools down the body.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh good, I hate having sore throat because then I can't enjoy my favourite food.